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Call for SACES 2020-2022 Emerging Leaders

March 13, 2020 2:46 PM | Deleted user


SACES is pleased to accept applications for their Emerging Leaders program. The SACES Emerging Leaders program is open to all active SACES graduate student members and first-year new professionals. If selected, leaders will participate in a workshop and leadership recognition, two years of service to SACES, and ongoing small group mentoring experiences.     

Program Overview

SACES Emerging Leaders (ELs) program is designed to promote our vision of cultivating “an inclusive community of counselor educators and supervisors who develop leaders and counselors committed to professional advocacy and dedicated to client equity and wellbeing.”  The program targets development in SACES goals focused on advocacy and promotion of community via connection, leadership, and service.

During this time, ELs:

·       Participate in a workshop and recognition activity at SACES 2022 conference.  This activity will feature opportunities for networking, panel conversations, and reflections regarding leadership.

·       Over a two-year period, engage in approximately 30 hours of service (15 per year) via service during the SACES 2020 conference and on committees, interest networks, review panels, and/or SACES 2020 conference planning.

·       Participate in quarterly small group mentoring experiences.

·       Have the opportunity to participate in large group experiences held concurrent with SACES 2020 and ACES 2021 conferences.

In recognition of their contributions to SACES, ELs received a complimentary workshop and luncheon, business luncheon ticket, and registration for the SACES 2020 Conference.


The EL program is open to all active SACES graduate student members or first-year new professionals at the time of application. We especially encourage applications from individuals who are seeking opportunities to develop leadership skills and strongly committed to SACES vision related to inclusivity, community, and social justice in counselor education and supervision. The review committee especially welcomes candidates who identify with historically marginalized groups and will heavily consider applications spanning varying and diverse experiences. Selection criteria include:

·       Demonstrated identification with and commitment to the counseling profession

·       Record of participation in professional counseling organizations and conferences

·       Commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and social justice

·       Vision for counselor education and supervision, including role of the EL experience in reaching the vision

Applications were due 5/15/2020 at 5:00pm EST, and notifications are made on or before 6/15/2020. If you are interested in the next SACES Emerging Leaders program, please check back in early 2022.

Applications must be submitted in one PDF document and include, in order,

1.    Completed application form  

2.    Personal statement addressing selection criteria (not to exceed 2 pages)

3.    CV (highlighting leadership, scholarship, education, and supervision activities)

4.    Recommendation letter from a professional familiar with the candidate’s engagement in counseling and/or counselor education.

Emerging Leader applicants are encouraged to register for the SACES conference after they are notified; Emerging Leaders will receive a complimentary conference registration.

Please address inquiries and applications to SACES President, Elizabeth Villares, at

2020-2022 Emerging Leaders Co-Coordinators: Caitlyn Bennett & Jose “Joey” Tapia-Fuselier

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