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The call for proposals and reviewers is closed

Proposal Notifications- May 1st

We are excited to report that we announced proposal decisions for the SACES 2024 biannual conference via email (from: Don’t see an email from Check your Spam folder. Alternatively, if you log in to your CE Go account, you will see the status of your proposal(s).

We received more than 700 proposals during this year’s call. We are grateful to all of you who submitted proposals and our 115 professionals who served as reviewers. We are thankful to have such an active and engaged professional community..

Pre-conference sessions and the Emerging Leaders Workshop will occur on Thursday (11/7), with a welcoming reception on Thursday evening. The conference educational sessions will run on Friday (11/8) and Saturday (11/9) from 8 am to 5 pm.

Visit to check your session status. 

Presenter Registration Deadline- September 1st

Presenters are encouraged to create presentations with the Presenter Guidelines for Accessibility and Inclusion posted on the SACES Conference Website.

The Lead Presenter must be an ACES member. 

    All conference proposals will undergo a double-blind review.

    Please review the Submitting Proposal for Consideration Resource  for a step-by-step guide to submitting your proposal.  

    If you have any questions, please contact the Conference Program Chair, Dr. Isabel Farrell, at

    Electronic Program Proposal Format

    Sample Proposal (

    Presenter Information

    The following items are required: Email, First Name, Last Name, Full Name with Credentials, Professional Title, Bio, Phone Number, and CV for upload. A headshot upload is optional but highly recommended. If you are adding co-presenters, the lead presenter must add the Email, First Name and Last Name for all additional presenters. Full Name with Credentials and bio are optional entries for the additional presenters at this time. Please ensure the email address is correctly entered so they can receive the email requesting their bio, CV upload, headshot, and presenter agreement.   

    Program Title

    Your title should clearly and accurately describe the focus of your presentation (max 100 characters with spaces)

    Type of Session and Format Flexibility (all sessions will be in-person) (select all that apply)

      • 50-minute Content Sessions

      • 50-minute Roundtable discussion 

      • 50-minute Posters Sessions

      • 25-minute Express Sessions (Empirically based research, two presenters max)

    Primary Topic Addressed (based primarily on NBCC categories)

    • Assessment

    • Career development and counseling

    • Counseling specialty areas
      (e.g., addictions; clinical mental health; rehabilitation; college counseling & student affairs; marriage, couple, & family; school counseling; CE&S doctoral programs)

    • Counseling theory/practice

    • Teaching and learning

    • Counselor professional identity and practice issues
      (e.g., supervision, ethics, personal career development, leadership & advocacy, gatekeeping, mentoring)

    • Group dynamics and counseling

    • Human growth and development

    • Research and program evaluation

    • Social and cultural foundations

    • Wellness and prevention

    • Other (specify)

    Conference Program Abstract

    Accepted session abstracts will appear in the CE-Go SACES Conference Session Schedule (max 500 characters).

    Synopsis of Program

    Include an overview of rationale, content, and presentation format (max 1500 characters).

    Session Level

    To meet the needs of various professional levels, we request that presenters indicate the targeted audience level for their session. 
    • Beginner level (explores introductory concepts and skills),

    • Intermediate level (expands on introductory knowledge, skills, and competencies),

    • Advanced level (requires prerequisite knowledge, preparation, and experience)

    Learning Objectives

    Provide a minimum of 3. Please note that learning objectives must be in the form/format of observable, measurable goals. These are statements of what learners/participants can do after attending the session. Objectives MUST contain action verbs, such as "Learners will be able to state 2 strategies" or "...will be able to list 3 findings." Other acceptable action words include recite, write, compute, explain, demonstrate, select, and critique. Verbs to avoid include know, understand, be exposed to, appreciate, become aware of, or become familiar with.

    Content References

    • Provide a minimum of 3 APA formatted sources used to research the topic.

    Presenter Expertise

    • Provide the collective experience related to the proposed session (max 1500 characters) and Select all from the following :

      • Presented on this topic at a regional or national conference

      • Invited speaker or trainer on this topic

      • Authored or co-authored a peer-reviewed article on this topic

      • Published a book or (co)authored a book chapter on this topic

      • Taught or currently teach a course related to this topic

      • Worked or currently work with clients impacted by this topic

    Presenter Agreement

    You must agree to the following:
    • Individuals' names may only appear on two presentations, whether you are the lead presenter or co-presenter.

    • Lead presenters must maintain active ACES membership throughout the proposal and conference time frame.

    • All presenters will be available to present Friday, 11/4/22, and Saturday, 11/5/22, from 8 AM - 5 PM 

    • All presenters must register by 9/1/24 to appear in the CE- Go SACES Conference schedule.

    • SACES will provide one LCD projector/screen combo in each content presentation room. The presenter is responsible for any other A/V needs (e.g., Computer VGA/HDMI adapters, Internet access, DVD/CD players, televisions, etc.).

    • Presenters will make their presentation and related handouts available to participants in CE-Go within one week of the conference and adhere to the Presenter Guidelines for Accessibility and Inclusion posted on the SACES Conference Website.

    • Presenters have reviewed the SACES registration cancellation policy. Cancellations received after the CE-Go Attendee Dashboard has been launched may result in a presenter/proposal disqualification for the 2026 SACES Conference.

      Rating Criteria

      Proposals will be blind-reviewed and rated on the following review criteria:

      • Clear rationale for program
      • Clearly stated and appropriate learning objectives
      • Appropriate content and format
      • Overall organization and clarity
      • Relevance of topic to SACES membership
      • Appropriate fit with program tracks
      • Attention to cultural and ethical considerations
      • Relevant presenter credentials


        • 1/24 – Proposal portal opens

        • 3/4/24 – Deadline for proposals and edits to previously submitted proposals

        • 5/1/24 – Decision and Scheduling notification

        • 5/31/24- Deadline to make Proposal Changes

        • 9/1/24- Deadline for presenters and co-presenters to register; all presenters must register by this date and attend the conference to be included in the conference program

        Presenters are also expected to follow the presenter guidelines for accessibility and inclusionIf you have any questions, please contact the Conference Program Chair, Dr. Isabel Farrell, at


        The SACES Executive Committee would like to invite you to become a conference proposal reviewer. You can indicate your interest in being a reviewer by completing an application here. All conference proposals undergo a double-blind review.  Each reviewer must be available to evaluate submissions between 3/1/22 and 4/1/22 and be willing to complete at least 25 proposals.

        © 2020 Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. All graphics, original photographs and text contained within the SACES website and connected pages displaying the SACES logotype are copyrighted and/or trademarked by SACES. Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without express written permission. View our Privacy Policy.

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