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As a member of the ACA Division of ACES, you automatically become a member of SACES if you live in the southern region. There are no additional regional dues collected. If you are an ACES member living in another region (NCACES, NARACES, RMACES, or WACES) you can contact ACES and request SACES be added to your current membership for just $10! This will allow you to access the members-only benefits like those listed below!  For assistance, contact Janet Greenway, ACES Member Services Coordinator at

Updating Your SACES Profile

Our membership database is updated using the most recent ACES database export at the end of each month. If a field in your SACES profile is not editable, please make sure your information is updated with ACES and it will be updated during the next database update using your email address.

Membership Types

ACES membership is required to be a member of SACES. The membership categories below are based on the ACA membership levels. View the ACES membership page or ACA membership page for more details.

  • Professional (PROF): Individuals who hold a master’s degree or higher in counseling or a closely related field from a college or university accredited by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
  • Regular: Individuals whose interests and activities are consistent with those of ACES, but who are not qualified for Professional Membership.
  • New Professional (NEWPR): Graduated with a masters or a doctorate within the past 12 months. Status is good for one year.
  • Student (STU): Individuals who are enrolled at least half-time in a college or university program.
  • Retired (RET): Members who are retired from the counseling profession and have been active ACES members for the past 5 consecutive years.


As a member of SACES, you will continue to gain access to a variety of membership benefits including the following:
  • Regional SACES Conference in each even numbered year with discounted registration rates for members. 
  • Email and website updates providing information and resources relevant to counselors, educators, and supervisors. 
  • Access to members-only content and programs including Emerging Leaders, awards, research grants, and the Job Board. 
  • Opportunities for service on committees and interest networks which help shape our profession. 
  • SACES Newsletter and online access to older issues. 
  • Voting rights on issues that evolve our organization.
  • Great opportunities for networking with regional and national leaders in counselor education!

Questions? Contact SACES Membership Committee Co-Chairs: Michael Jones and Odalis Romero at 

© 2020 Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. All graphics, original photographs and text contained within the SACES website and connected pages displaying the SACES logotype are copyrighted and/or trademarked by SACES. Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without express written permission. View our Privacy Policy.

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