We are proud to announce that our inaugural Issue of the SACES journal, Teaching and Supervision in Counseling (TSC) has been published. We invite you to read the articles below from our Spring 2019, Vol 1, Issue 1:
- Quality scholarship informing teaching, supervision and mentorship: The aim of Teaching and Supervision in Counseling
Kelly L. Wester
- Exploring Latina Clinical Mental Health Counseling Students’ Perceptions of Teaching Practices
Javier Cavazos Vela, Jeremiah Fisk, and James Ikonomopoulos
- Supervision Strategies Used to Support Spanish-Speaking Bilingual Counselors
Heather Trepal, Angelica Tello, Maria Haiyasoso, Nancy Castellon, Jessenia Garcia, and Cristina Martinez-Smith
- Am I My Peers’ Keeper? Problems of Professional Competency in Doctoral Students
Kathleen Brown-Rice and Susan Furr
- A Process Addictions Course for Counselor Training Programs
Amanda L. Giordano, Audrey Malacara, and Sarah Agarwal
- Students’ Perspectives of Experiential Learning in an Addictions Course
Tammi F. Dice, Kristy Carlisle, and Rebekah Byrd
- Career-Decision Making: School Counselors in Counselor Education Doctoral Programs
Malti Tuttle, Lee E. Grimes, and Caroline Lopez-Perry
A special thanks to Dr. Kelly Wester, Journal Editor, and W. Bradley McKibben, Associate Editor and all those who participated in the development and publication of our new official SACES journal!
Teaching and Supervision in Counseling (TSC) is the official journal of SACES. The mission of SACES is to empower and support diverse counselor educators and supervisors in scholarship, advocacy, community, education, and supervision. Visit the SACES journal webpage or the official open access journal website for articles or details about the journal.