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Call for 2022 SACES Research and Grant Proposals

July 01, 2022 2:26 PM | Anonymous

Call for 2022 SACES Research and Grant Proposals

SACES is now accepting applications to fund innovative best practices and research studies related to counselor education and supervision for up to $500 each. This grant competition is open to both professional and student members of SACES. Because of their need and limited funding available for student research, student researchers are especially encouraged to apply. Individuals may submit (or be part of a submission team) for only one proposal. Grants recipients will be notified in September and announced during the SACES 2022 Conference.

Submissions are due on August 1st  by 5:00 pm EST via email to Dr. Sejal Barden,

Proposal Format: Researchers must submit two PDFs of their proposals (one blind copy and one with author identification) via email (save file name to only include title of study on blind copy).  Please use the following Proposal Outline below and ensure your document is:

  • Typed in 12-point font, double spaced, with one-inch margins
  • Maximum of five pages, excluding references. The committee will not review applications exceeding the 5-page limit.

Proposal Outline:

  1. Literature Review (10 points): Relevant to the research and practice of counselor education and supervision. The literature review includes a problem statement, the purpose of the study, and the rationale.

  2. Methods (15 points): Provides a concise description of participants, measures, data collection procedures, and data analysis. The methods reflect evidence-based and rigorous processes.

  3. Timeline (5 points): Provides a detailed timeline of project and research activities (e.g., IRB submission, participant recruitment, data collection, data, analysis, dissemination of findings).

  4. Budget (5 points): Well-articulated and tied to conducting the study.

  5. Plan for Distribution or Publication (5 points): Inclusion of steps and dates provided.

  6. Ethical considerations (5 points): Indicate that the study has gone through the university review board.

  7. References (5 points): At least five credible sources in APA 7th ed. format. Seminal publications and publications are strongly encouraged within the last seven years.

Additional Requirements: Grant recipients must submit mid- and end-of-year reports, including a budget expense report. Award recipients are encouraged to disseminate their findings at a SACES/ACES conference and manuscript submission to the SACES journal, Teaching, and Supervision in Counseling.

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