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Call for SACES GSR-D

April 20, 2022 10:17 AM | Anonymous

Call for SACES Graduate Student Representative-Designee

SACES is currently accepting applications from doctoral students who are early in their academic program to serve as the 2022-2023 Graduate Student Representative Designee. A complete description of the SACES  GSR-Designee requirements can be found here.

The GSR-designee (GSR-D) will serve for a two-year service commitment (year one as a designee and year two as the GSR). A graduate student serving as a GSR-D can serve as a new faculty member or supervisor for only the second year of service as the GSR.

To apply, please email the following materials in one PDF to Dodie Limberg at 

  1. A cover letter describing your educational and other relevant experiences to the position, including your previous and/or current involvement with SACES.

  2. A current CV  

  3. Your answer to this question: “How would you see yourself contributing to SACES in this role?”

Applications are due Tuesday May 10, 2022

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