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  • October 08, 2018 2:51 PM | Deleted user

    Good afternoon,

    As many of you have seen, Hurricane Michael is approaching the Florida panhandle and may impact travel plans for some of you. We are monitoring the storm and the potential impact on the conference. As of now, Myrtle Beach is only anticipating rain so there appears to be no issues for the Hilton; therefore, we intend to continue with the conference plans as scheduled.

    We trust that you will make the decision that is in your personal and professional best interests with regards to traveling or cancelling your registration. If you wish to travel ahead of the storm, the Hilton will honor the same conference hotel rate for arriving early; you can contact hotel reservations and adjust your stay accordingly.

    If you wish to cancel your registration, please refer to the refund policy on our conference website. We are not able to deviate from the refund policy due to the commitment of extensive financial resources.  

    You can contact the Registration Coordinators at to cancel your registration.  If you also need to cancel your presentation, please copy as well. 

    The conference app will be continually updated with session cancellations throughout the conference.

    We will keep you updated as more information becomes available about the potential impact of the storm on the conference. We wish you safe travels and look forward to seeing you in Myrtle Beach!

    Natoya Haskins
    SACES President

  • October 05, 2018 11:11 PM | Deleted user

    We are only a week away from oceanfront views, great networking opportunities, and intellectually stimulating conference sessions!  As you finalize your trip plans we would like to share a few reminders and information that should enhance your conference experience.


    • If you are flying in after 9pm we encourage you to set up ground transportation prior to getting to Myrtle Beach, it is a small airport so transport from the airport can be limited.  We have identified two Taxi Drivers who we used in our site visits that are available during these evening hours:
      • Big Mike 423-817-2659
      • Stilian Baku 843-424-1312
    • If you are driving, you may wish to view the SCDOT website for current road closures and delays in South Carolina before you leave.

     Conference Information

    I would like to thank our conference committee and volunteers for all the work that has gone into preparing for this conference. I am also thankful to our SACES Conference 2018 sponsors; please be sure to check out their ads or stop by their exhibit booths.

    Natoya Hill Haskins, PhD
    SACES President

  • September 27, 2018 7:55 PM | Deleted user

    We look forward to seeing you in two weeks for the SACES conference. As you are putting your travel plans in place to join us in Myrtle Beach, please consider that while many of the main highways are clear, the secondary roads may still be experiencing some flooding and may be closed. We hope that the rivers recede and the roads reopen before the conference; however, we ask that you take the time to identify closed secondary roads before you leave your home if you are driving; you can view the SCDOT website for current road closures in South Carolina. For those flying in, the roads from the Myrtle Beach airport to the Hilton Resort and the surrounding area are open and not experiencing flooding. We will update you again before you leave for the conference if this has changed.

    Please be safe in your travels and we hope to see you soon.

    Natoya Haskins, PhD
    SACES President

  • September 17, 2018 8:34 PM | Deleted user

    Attention SACES Members!

    The conference hotel and Myrtle Beach surrounding areas were not significantly impacted by Hurricane Florence.  However, our thoughts are still with members who are residents of North Carolina, as we know many are still experiencing significant challenges.  I hope to see many of you next month in Myrtle Beach.

    Natoya Haskins, PhD
    SACES President

  • September 17, 2018 8:34 PM | Deleted user

    Dear Counselors, Counselor Educators, Supervisors, and Graduate Students,

    We are looking for submissions for consideration in our Fall issue of the SACES Newsletter. This issue will focus primarily on Education, fostering best practices in teaching and professional development. These topics can apply to practitioners, supervisors, and counselor educators.

    Submissions must be between 500 and 800 words and sent electronically as a Word document to Please include the author name(s), credentials, affiliation(s), and photo(s) in .jpg, .tif or .gif format.

    Students are encouraged to contribute with the support of a faculty member.  For questions or more information, please contact the editors at  You can also check out previous newsletter issues available from the SACES website. 

    Contributions are needed by Friday, October 30, 2018

    All the best,

    Brandee Appling and Andrea Kirk-Jenkins

    Co-Editors SACES Newsletter

  • September 12, 2018 7:07 PM | Deleted user

    As many of us prepare for Hurricane Florence to make landfall, we hope that you are making arrangements to keep you and your family safe. We also know many are concerned about what this may mean for the conference.  We are actively monitoring the impact on Myrtle Beach and will share any changes regarding the conference as we receive information about the storm’s impact on our conference hotel in the next week or so. Conference updates will be posted here and sent out via email.

    Stay safe,

    Natoya Haskins, PhD
    SACES President

  • September 10, 2018 8:19 PM | Deleted user

    Career Connection at SACES 2018 has begun! Career Connection will take place during the SACES conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, on Friday, October 12 and Saturday, October 13. The steps to participate are outlined for hiring institutions and job seekers below, and more information is available on the Career Connection website (

    In order for hiring institutions and job seekers to benefit the most from what Career Connection offers, job postings (from hiring institutions) and CVs (from job seekers) must be submitted to the Career Connection Committee no later than September 15, 2018. However, hiring institutions and job seekers are still welcome and encouraged to join Career Connection after this date.

    Hiring Institutions:

    1. Review the instructions for university representatives.
    2. Complete the Employer Pre-connection Survey 
    3. Send a 1-page PDF of the job description to

    Job Seekers:

    1. Review the instructions for job seekers.
    2. Complete the Job Seeker Pre-connection Survey 
    3. Send a 2-page PDF of your CV to  


    The Career Connection Committee

    Dr. Margaux H. Brown, Co-chair
    Dr. Christian D. Chan, Co-chair
    Dr. Jane Rheineck, Consultant
    Dr. Catherine Roland, Consultant

  • August 28, 2018 12:24 AM | Deleted user

    The Summer 2018 Newsletter is now available. In this edition:

    • President’s Message
    • SACES Day of Services
    • 2018-2019 SACES Leadership
    • Special Interest Networks
    • Implications for Language Switching and Counseling Latino Individuals      
    • Fall 2018 Newsletter Submissions
    • The Future Scholars Program: A Counselor Education Community Partnership to Create Systemic Social Change
    • Mindfulness Connecting to Self, to Others, & to Community
    • Secular Counseling Network
    • The Counselor’s Role in Helping Clients to Develop Life Skills
    • Promoting Safety in Schools Through Crisis & Trauma Curriculum
    • Counselors-In-Training & Recent Counseling Grads: Power of a Peer-Based Community
    • Creating a Greater Sense of Community in Counseling through Collaborative Relationships between Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly White Institutions
    • Counselors & The Opioid Crisis
    • Rural Mental Health: Connecting Professionals in Facilitating Community Cancer Support Group
    • Creating Authentic Connection in Counselor Education
    • SACES Conference Information

      You may review past copies of newsletters or consider submitting something for the Fall issue (due October 19, 2018).

      Contact the SACES Newsletter Co-Editors with questions or submissions:
      Brandee Appling (
      Andrea Jenkins (

    • August 15, 2018 8:00 PM | Deleted user

      Please consider nominating your peers, colleagues, and students for a SACES award. Our awards program is one way we take time to recognize each other for outstanding work in counselor education and supervision. 

      The 2018 SACES Awards open for nominees are:

      • Outstanding Teaching Award
      • Locke-Paisley Outstanding Mentoring Award
      • Outstanding Tenured Counselor Educator Award
      • Outstanding Pre-Tenure Counselor Educator Award
      • Outstanding Graduate Student - Doctoral Level Award
      • Outstanding Graduate Student - Master's Level Award
      • Courtland Lee Social Justice Award
      • Outstanding Doctoral Counselor Education and Supervision Program
      • Outstanding Master's Counselor Education Program
      • SACES Outstanding State Award 

      Eligibility criteria and details for award nominations can be found online (

      Please send nomination packets, and any inquiries about nominations or the 2018 SACES awards to the Awards Committee Co-Chair, Lacey Ricks, at Award nomination packets are due by September 5, 2018.


      Lacey Ricks, Ph.D., NCC
      SACES Awards Committee Co-Chair

    • July 16, 2018 12:28 PM | Deleted user

      Teaching and Supervision in Counseling (TSC) is the official journal of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES), a region of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES).  The mission of SACES is to empower and support diverse counselor educators and supervisors in scholarship, advocacy, community, education, and supervision.  

      The aim of TSC is to publish high quality scholarship that informs teaching, supervision, and mentoring in educational and clinical settings. Articles may be empirical, conceptual or theoretical, or based on current issues; with an emphasis on empirical research. Articles must be scholarly, grounded in existing literature, and have implications for the counseling profession including, but not limited to, counselor education, supervisory practice, clinical training, pedagogy, mentoring, or advocacy and public policy. Additionally, a goal of TSC is to provide mentoring to graduate students in the area of peer review and writing. All manuscripts are submitted to a blind peer-review process.   

      Call for Editorial Board Members. We are seeking applications for editorial board positions within the SACES’s Teaching and Supervision in Counseling (TSC) journal. Board members will be appointed for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2018 and are expected to provide continuous service during that period of time. There are two types of board positions on the TSC: (1) professional editorial board member and (2) graduate student editorial board member. Qualifications for each position is described below. Regardless of position, all editorial board members are required to be a member of SACES, a commitment to prompt (within 30 days) and thorough review of 1 to 2 manuscripts per month, and a commitment to attend the editorial board meeting held at the SACES/ACES conferences. Applicants must have an expertise in one or more qualitative and/or quantitative research methodologies. Please submit the required documents noted below, with a letter indicating the board position you are applying in the editorial board survey.  

      If you have any questions, please contact the TSC Editor, Kelly Wester, at    

      In addition to the requirements noted above, professional editorial board member requirements include an individual holding a doctoral degree in a counseling-related discipline and a record of scholarly publications in national peer-refereed journals. If applying for a professional editorial board member position please submit the following documents in one PDF using the following editorial board survey

      1. A letter of application specifying qualifications for board membership, a commitment to board service, and scholarly interests;   
      2. A current curriculum vita  

      As an extension of SACES, the TSC has a commitment to empower and support the education and growth of current and future counselor educators and supervisors. Given this commitment, the TSC will take on a few graduate students in counseling to be mentored in the peer review process. These graduate student members will be members of the editorial board and engage in the peer review process, with guidance and mentorship. In addition to the requirements noted above, graduate student editorial board member requirements include an individual being currently enrolled in a master’s or doctoral counseling or counselor education program, and a record of scholarly publications or research activity. If applying for a graduate student editorial board member position please submit the following document in one PDF using the following graduate student editorial board survey:

      1. A letter of application specifying qualifications for board membership, a commitment to board service, scholarly interests;  
      2. A current curriculum vita  
      3. A letter from a mentor, advisor, or faculty noting your qualifications for board membership and recommending you for the position    

      Applications are due by August 15, 2018.

    © 2020 Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. All graphics, original photographs and text contained within the SACES website and connected pages displaying the SACES logotype are copyrighted and/or trademarked by SACES. Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without express written permission. View our Privacy Policy.

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