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  • June 30, 2020 8:02 PM | Deleted user

    July Webinar

    Research Team Collaboration with Doctoral and Masters' Students

    Dr. Sarah Fucillo, Dr. Patrick Murphy, Simone May, and Hannah M. Coyt 

    Thursday, July 16th- 12pm-1pm EST

    Register through Zoom

    This webinar will identify the process of creating a collaborative research team with three separate universities.  The webinar will offer steps one can take to offer research opportunities to both doctoral and masters' level students, as well as creating a team based approach to research.

    Learning Objectives:

    1.  Participants will learn the process of creating a research team that involves various universities.

    2.  Participants will learn how to utilize research team members' strengths to make research more effective and mainstreamed.

    3.  Participants will benefit from hearing perspectives from doctoral team members, as well as student perspectives.

    Presenters' Bio: 

    Dr. Sarah Fucillo (she/her) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Professional Counseling at Lindsey Wilson College. She graduated with her Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from Auburn University in 2017. Her research interests include at-risk youth and juvenile offender mental health treatment, counselor wellness, vicarious trauma, trauma sensitive interventions, and trauma sensitive supervision. She has clinical experience in a variety of settings including a juvenile detention center, a crisis residential unit, a family and children community mental health agency, and a university counseling center. Dr. Fucillo is an active member of the American Counseling Association, the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, and the International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors. 

    Dr. Patrick Murphy (he/him) is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research at the University of Memphis. He graduated with is Doctorate in Counselor Education and Supervision from Auburn University in 2018. He has over 11 years of clinical experience working with addiction, co-occurring disorders, and severe mental illness in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Dr. Murphy is an active member of the American Counseling Association, American Counseling Association, the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, and is currently serving as the Research Chair for the Tennessee Counseling Association. His research interest include counselor training and supervision, especially around multicultural competencies with a focus on intersections of identities, and engaging with veterans/military personal with counseling and crisis intervention.

    Simone May (she/her) is Teaching Faculty in the Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems at the Florida State University. She pursued graduate studies at Auburn University, earning a M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling in 2014 and a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision in 2017. She is a nationally certified counselor and a member of several organizations including the American Counseling Association, the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, and the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Her clinical experience includes work with crisis and trauma survivors, detained youth, foster children, and drug court participants. May’s research interests include crisis and trauma and higher education preparation, success, recruitment, and retention. May is a Holmes Scholar and a former Chi Sigma Iota (CSI) Leadership Fellow.

    Hannah M. Coyt (she/her) is a current doctoral student at Lindsey Wilson College, in the Counselor Education and Supervision program.  She is a licensed professional clinical counselor and supervisor for the Kentucky board of counselors.  She is also a nationally certified counselor and a member of several organizations including the American Counseling Association, the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision and serves as the graduate student representative for the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.  Additionally, she currently serves on the leadership team for the Kentucky Counseling Association Mentoring and Leadership Academy, as well as the president-elect for Kentucky Mental Health Counselors Association.  Her clinical experience includes work with at-risk children and adolescents, families, couples, veterans and geriatrics.  Coyt's research interests include barriers to law enforcement officers seeking mental health services, Appalachian women in higher education, pornography addiction and wellness for mental health professionals.

  • June 29, 2020 11:25 AM | Deleted user
    We are looking for submissions for consideration in our Summer 2020 issue of the SACES Newsletter. This issue will be an edition about Community: Promoting Connection, Leadership, and Service within the Profession

    Submissions must be between 500 and 800 words and sent electronically as a Word document to Please include the author name(s), credentials, affiliation(s), and photo(s) in .jpg, .tif or .gif format. 

    Students are encouraged to contribute with the support of a faculty member.  For questions or more information, please contact the editors at  You can also check out previous newsletter issues available from the SACES website.  Contributions are needed by Wednesday, July 8th.

    Brandee Appling and Andrea Kirk- Jenkins
    Co-Editors SACES Newsletter

  • June 25, 2020 12:00 PM | Deleted user

    SACES is pleased to announce our 2020-2021 GSRs. Their terms will begin on July 1st.

    Galaxina Wright
    SACES Graduate Student Representative
    Doctoral student from the University of Central Florida.

    Shelby Gonzales
    Graduate Student Representative-Designee
    Doctoral student at the University of South Carolina.   

  • June 15, 2020 2:56 PM | Deleted user

    Greetings Fellow Graduate Students!

    As we reflect on the past few months, to say that times have been difficult is an understatement.  I hope you take the time to read the statement released by SACES and reach out if there is anything we can do to support you.

    As we near the end of the fiscal year, my term as Graduate Student Representative is coming to a close.  I am so proud of all the work being done by graduate students across our region and know that you will all continue to do great things.  With that being said, we are holding the final graduate student committee meeting on June 17th  at 9 AM CDT.  I hope you can all join us to find out ways that you can connect with fellow graduate students and become more involved in graduate student workgroups.  I know the co-chairs for these workgroups would love to have your participation in the coming year.

    Please find the minutes from our May meeting for your review.  Additionally, here is the agenda for our upcoming meeting on June 17, 2020 at 9 AM CDT.  I hope to see you all there!!  Again, please reach out to me if I can do anything to support you, or you would like to see something added to the agenda.

    Take care of yourselves,


  • June 02, 2020 2:02 PM | Deleted user

    Dear SACES Members,

    It is with empathic hearts and open arms that the Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) extends our condolences to the family of George Floyd and countless others whose lives have ended in senseless acts of violence. We stand with the members of our association in solidarity who live in fear because of the color of their skin, sexual identity, immigration status, or other aspects that have been used to discriminate and divide individuals. Your heartbreak is ours and we share in your collective grief. We support peaceful protesting in promoting critical change, denounce police brutality, and stand with you to lift your voice and call for systemic change.

    Our SACES vision supports cultivating “an inclusive community of counselor educators and supervisors who develop leaders and counselors committed to professional advocacy and dedicated to client equity and well-being.” We are all responsible and must hold ourselves accountable for advancing the knowledge in the counseling field and for improving competency both for members and the counselors they serve. We must come together to engage in difficult conversations, challenge our privilege and bias, and acknowledge the access, educational, financial, and opportunity inequities within our membership, profession, and communities. We must take action and create communities that honor humanity.

    We know that many of our counselor educators and supervisors of color are experiencing significant challenges as a result of the pervasiveness of injustice in this country.  We want you to know that the SACES mission is to “empower and support diverse counselor educators and supervisors in scholarship, advocacy, community, education, and supervision.” We value each perspective and encourage all of our members to find a way to increase their allyship, to start a courageous conversation, and become an advocate. 

    We invite members who are moved by the traumatic events and unrest over the past week to join the Social Justice and Human Rights Interest Network. The co-chairs have provided a list of resources for members available at We are also planning other ways to support our members through supporting culturally competent scholarship, webinars, advocacy, community action, and incorporating our knowledge into applied settings within counselor education and supervision. We invite all members to contact the board with ideas for action that empower our students, colleagues, friends, and family.

    In solidarity with our members,

    SACES Executive Council
  • May 30, 2020 8:37 PM | Deleted user

    SACES Graduate Student June Meeting Poll

    Greetings from the SACES Graduate Student Committee!

    I am in the process of planning our next (and last) meeting of this fiscal year.  This meeting will serve to report all that we have done as a graduate student committee, as well as plans for next year.  This is a great meeting to join, as we will be discussing ways for you to become more involved in the graduate student committee in the coming year.  Please take a minute and complete this doodle poll to let me know what day/time works best for you.  

    If you have other questions or just want to talk about ways you can become involved, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at  I look forward to hearing from all of you!


    Hannah M. Coyt, LPCC-S, NCC, CCMHC
    Lindsey Wilson College
    Clinical Associate Faculty
    CES Doctoral Candidate
    DSO Past President
    SACES Graduate Student Representative (2019-2020)
    KMHCA President Elect

  • May 28, 2020 8:12 AM | Deleted user

    June Webinar

    Structured Peer Feedback in Supervision and Skills Development Courses

    Melissa Wheeler, PhD, NCC, ACS; Mandee Bahadar, LPC

    Thursday, June 18th- 12pm-1pm EST
    Register through Zoom

    Peer feedback is an important vicarious experience holding potential to increase counseling self-efficacy and behaviors related to performance. Researchers have reported that supervisees perceive peer feedback to be at times more helpful than supervisor feedback yet peer feedback in group supervision was less constructive and not always helpful (Borders, Welfare, Greason, Paladino, Mobley, Villalba, & Wester, 2012). This presentation will explore the use of peer feedback and ways to integrate the Structured Peer Group Supervision model in teaching and supervision of counselors in training.

    Learning Objectives:

    1.  Participants will identify the strengths and challenges of using peer feedback in skill development courses and supervision.

    2.  Participants will explore the use of peer feedback in supervision using the Structure Peer Feedback Model and how to adapt this model in various courses/modalities.

    3.  Presenters will identify benefits to counselor and client based on enhanced perspectives offered through the diverse viewpoints represented through the model.

    Presenters' Bio: 

    Dr. Melissa (Missy) Wheeler is a National Certified Counselor and an Approved Clinical Supervisor who lives in northern Virginia. She is a full-time Counseling Core Faculty with the online campus of the University of Phoenix Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. Dr. Wheeler has been a distance counselor educator since earning her Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dr. Wheeler has gained experience assisting college students in transition through her work in career services, academic advising, and college student success. Her experience and interests include career counseling, retention of first-generation college students, college and career readiness, practitioner research in career counseling, and online education for counselors-in-training. Dr. Wheeler is a member of the American Counseling Association, the National Career Development Association, and the Association of Counselor Education & Supervision. She is the President- Elect of the Virginia Career Development Association, co-chair of the American Counseling Association Bylaws Committee, and a member of the Research Committee and Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the National Career Development Association. 

    Dr. Mandee Bahadar is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Arizona. Mandee received her Master’s in Counseling at Arizona State University in May 2003 and her Doctorate in Human Services/Counseling Studies in February 2010.
    Dr. Bahadar has worked as a counselor educator and clinical supervisor since 2012, assisting new counselors obtain the knowledge and skill to become effective helpers and find passion in the profession. She has also had various opportunities to present at local, state, and national seminars and conferences on LGBTQ health and cultural competency, clinical supervision of counselors, and self-care for those in the helping professions.
    In addition to teaching, Dr. Bahadar has extensive experience in working clinically with individuals, couples, and groups regarding the therapeutic experience and emotional impact of living with chronic illness and other stigmatized identities. She values the connection between our bodies, our thoughts, and our emotions and strives to treat the whole person.

    *Note: This webinar will be recorded and available for later viewing after 1 month on the SACES Webinar Page. Attendees who are present for the full webinar time can receive CE credit*

    Questions about the SACES webinar series? Visit or contact the SACES Webinar Committee Chair at

  • May 21, 2020 5:00 PM | Deleted user

    The SACES Executive Committee and conference planners decided to cancel the 2020 SACES conference in Baltimore from October 22-24, 2020. Due to the immediate and long-term impact of COVID-19, we are no longer able to continue with conference planning. Therefore, the conference committee has halted all conference related activities including final dispositions of proposal submissions. However, we are moving forward with the SACES Emerging Leaders program, call for research grants and awards, and will host a virtual fall SACES business meeting.

    Over the next few months, we will explore alternative professional development opportunities for SACES members for the 2020-2021 academic year. At this time, we are seeking membership input to inform planning decisions. Please take a minute to complete the following anonymous brief survey. Your SACES login will be required to complete the survey. It will be available until June 4, 2020.

    Finally, we would like to thank those who volunteered to serve on the 2020 conference committees and the proposal reviewers. We hope you will join us for our 2022 conference, and we appreciate your understanding during these challenging times. We will continue to communicate about our future events.

    Dodie Limberg, PhD
    SACES President-Elect, Conference Chair

    and the SACES Executive Commitee

  • May 14, 2020 9:17 PM | Deleted user

    SACES is currently accepting applications from doctoral students who are early in their academic program to serve as the 2020-2021 Graduate Student Representative (GSR) and GSR-Designee. A complete description of the SACES GSR and GSR-Designee requirements can be found here.

    To apply, please email the following materials in one PDF to Elizabeth Villares at 

    1. A cover letter describing your educational and other relevant experiences to the position, including your previous and/or current involvement with SACES. 
    2. A current CV.
    3. Your answer to this question: “What would be different in a year service position that would show it was useful, that you were the right person to apply, and that SACES was right to have selected you?
    4. A video (minimum of 5 minutes) that discusses (a) Your goals as outlined in their submitted statement referencing what would be different in a year of service; (b) Your understanding of what this role does and the necessary level of commitment it will take. Please share your video from a cloud storage platform (i.e., Dropbox, Google Drive) and reference the URL link in your cover letter. 

    Applications are due Monday, June 1, 2020

  • May 14, 2020 9:10 PM | Deleted user

    The Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) is seeking applications for the position of editor for Teaching and Supervision in Counseling (TSC). The TSC journal is the official peer reviewed journal of SACES, with a readership comprised of counselors, educators, supervisors, and other professionals interested in providing leadership, training, and research in counselor education. The aim of TSC is to publish high quality scholarship that informs teaching, supervision, and mentoring in educational and clinical settings. Articles may be empirical, conceptual or theoretical, or based on current issues; with an emphasis on empirical research. Articles must be scholarly, grounded in existing literature, and have implications for the counseling profession including, but not limited to, counselor education, supervisory practice, clinical training, pedagogy/andragogy, mentoring, or advocacy and public policy. Additionally, a goal of TSC is to provide mentoring to graduate students in the area of peer review and writing. 

    The appointment of editor is a 3-year term beginning in Summer 2021. SACES will provide copyediting and typesetting services, and a stipend to support annual travel to SACES or ACES conferences. The Editor will have the option to work with an Associate Editor.

    Editor responsibilities include: 

    1. Manage and maintain editorial board activities 
    2. Make final decisions on articles to be published by the journal 
    3. Ensure that communications regarding submissions or other questions and concerns about the journal are responded to within 2 business days of initial communication 
    4. Communicate quarterly and as indicated with the SACES Executive Council to provide information related to publication rates, articles published by the journal, and status report of the reviewers 
    5. Host publications-related presentations at the SACES bi-annual conference 
    6. Collaborate with the publisher to develop a marketing plan including selecting articles for promotion 
    7. Provide relevant information and links to the webmaster that might be helpful to include on the SACES website.

    Appointment is conditional on the following qualifications: 

    1. Experience as Editor or Associate Editor of peer-reviewed publication is preferred. Experience as an editorial board member of a professional publication or similar experience will be considered. 
    2. A record of scholarly publications in refereed journals. 
    3. Demonstrated experience in counselor education, supervision, and teaching pedagogy.
    4. An understanding of and commitment to the mission of SACES, especially in the areas of teaching and learning. 
    5. Current professional member of SACES with preference for those with a history of involvement in SACES. 

    Interested individuals should submit the following application materials: (a) statement of vision for the editorial direction for the SACES Journal, (b) current CV, and (c) up to five of the applicant’s most significant publications (with particular focus related to counselor education and supervision). 

    Reviews of candidates will begin June 8, 2020 and continue until filled. The new editor will be encouraged to work closely with the current editor over the next year in preparation for understanding and transitioning to the role of Editor in Summer 2021. Please submit materials in PDF format to Elizabeth Villares, SACES President, at

    SACES journalTeaching and Supervision in Counseling (TSC) is the official journal of SACES. The mission of SACES is to empower and support diverse counselor educators and supervisors in scholarship, advocacy, community, education, and supervision. Visit the SACES journal webpage or the official open access journal website for articles or details about the journal.

© 2020 Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. All graphics, original photographs and text contained within the SACES website and connected pages displaying the SACES logotype are copyrighted and/or trademarked by SACES. Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without express written permission. View our Privacy Policy.

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