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Call for SACES Social Media Chair

September 15, 2019 10:04 PM | Deleted user

Call for SACES Social Media Chair

Promotes awareness of the purpose and actions of the association through ongoing communication efforts and branding initiatives through the use of social media tools. Makes sure that the leaders (i.e., standing and special committee chairs, Interest Network chairs, TSC Journal Editor), members, and professionals both within and outside of SACES are fully informed of association resources and activities by using existing and developing social media. Works closely with other leaders to ensure that SACES is portraying a consistent and professional image to its members and to the professional community at large. Adheres to the SACES Social Media Policy and monitors other SACES social media presence to ensure all public platforms are in alignment with the policy. 

Responsible To

SACES President and Executive Committee

Appointed by the incoming president for a one-year renewable term.


·       Chair the Media Committee.

·       Develop a calendar to ensure regular posts occur to SACES’s social network sites, including program information and other resource related information that would be of interest to our “followers”.

·       Monitor social media presence across all SACES sites (e.g., primary SACES, interest networks, etc.)  to ensure they are relevant and aligned with the SACES vision, mission, or objectives as presented on the SACES website (

·       Evaluate the social media landscape and decide what platforms will be good tools for the Association. SACES social media platforms currently include a SACES Facebook page, Twitter account, and YouTube channel.

·       Work to understand and develop an effective strategy for use of new media, giving serious consideration as to how this impacts the roles of the webmaster and interest network chairs. 

·       Work to educate SACES leaders and members about the use of new media, both from a technical perspective and from a business approach. 

·       Develop and implement a strategy to use new media in promoting and presenting SACES programs and events. 

·       Develop relationships with ACES and other regions to understand their position on social media and to help promote SACES efforts on regional and state levels. 

·       Consult with other regions and SACES state association representatives to compare best practices on the use of new media, in various applications, and how they are used to promote SACES membership as well as the SACES and state association conferences. 

·       The Social Media Chair(s) and other committee members typically serve as photographers for the SACES conference during conference years. 

·       Provides a committee report at mid-year and end-of-year. 

·       Perform related duties outlined in the SACES Social Media Policy and other projects as agreed upon.

Applications must be received by September 30, 2019. Any member of the association is eligible to apply. The final appointee(s) will be selected by the SACES Executive Board. Please send a one page letter of interest discussing your experience with the duties and responsibilities above and a current CV to Elizabeth Villares at

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