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Graduate Student Committee Update

March 01, 2019 10:15 PM | Deleted user

Hello Fellow Graduate Students,

After our meeting, people were assigned to their designated sub-committees based on the google form that was completed before the meeting. If you are still interested in joining our committee, please know that we are here for YOU! We will be having another meeting in March or the first week of April based on everyone’s availability. Attached you will find our meeting minutes and a doodle poll for our next meeting; please complete the poll before March 20th.

We are excited to hear about how the sub-committee meetings went. Our goal for the next meeting is to have had all sub-committees meet before and discuss plans/goals. If you have been assigned, you will find that you have access to the google drive for our committee. You will see a list of people and their contact information to get in touch with them for scheduling. Missy and I wanted to step back and not assign a “chair” for the sub-committee but rather allow opportunities for many people to collaborate and take lead.

We appreciate all the work and time you are putting into our committee!

You will find a copy of our February meeting minutes on the Graduate Student Committee webpage. If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

We will see you soon,
Jose “Joey” Tapia-Fuselier
SACES Graduate Student Representative

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