SACES Members,
We know that many of our members were impacted by Hurricanes Florence and Michael and were not able to make this year's conference. Your presence was missed but we hope that you and your families are safe and sound. We were happy to welcome approximately 700 people who did join us for the conference and hope that everyone had a wonderful time.
Election Results: At our 2018 Conference in Myrtle Beach, we announced our newly elected officers and would like to say congratulations to our President-Elect-Elect, Dr. Dodie Limberg, University of South Carolina and Secretary-Elect, Dr. Caitlyn Bennett, University of North Texas. View the elections results to learn more about our newly elected officers. We also awarded the following awards and research grants. We would like to congratulate all of the honorees on their hard work and contributions to the field. Please take a moment to applaud their efforts.
SACES Awards 2018
- Outstanding Doctoral Student
Cary "Missy" Butts, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Pre-Tenure Counselor Educator Award
Dr. Dalena Dillman Taylor, University of Central Florida
- Tenured Counselor Educator Award
Dr. Shirlene Smith Augustine, North Carolina A & T State University
- Locke-Paisley Outstanding Mentor Award
Dr. Patrick Mullen, William & Mary
- Outstanding Teaching Award
Dr. Viki Kelchner, University of Central Florida
- DiAnne Borders Clinical Supervision Award
Dr. DiAnne Borders, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (inaugural honoree; renamed and awarded for Dr. Borders' significant contributions to the area of supervision)
- Courtland Lee Social Justice Award
Dr. Jeff Wolfgang, North Carolina A & T State University
- President's Outstanding Service Award
Dr. Shawn Spurgeon, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
- Outstanding Master’s Program
Mercer University
SACES Research Grants 2018
- Melanie Burgess, Old Dominion University
The Psychometric Properties of a School Counseling Internship Competency Scale
- Elizabeth Burgin and Elizabeth Prosek, University of North Texas
Addressing Military Populations in Counselor Training Programs: Exploring Cultural Competence, Political Beliefs, and Militaristic Attitudes
- Alisa Houseknecht, University of Florida
Motivation, Support, and Belonging: Examining Factors that Affect the Persistence of Minority Students in Counseling Programs
- Chi Li and Gulsah Kemer, Old Dominion University
Supervisory Working Alliance and Supervisee Disclosure in Supervision: Supervisee Role Ambiguity as a Mediator
- Jessica Martin, Lamar University
Investigation of the Job Seeking Process, Work Environment, Mentorship, and Tenure Process of Female African American Counselor Educators: A Phenomenological Study
- Christie Nelson, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Daniel Gutierrez and Patrick Mullen, College of William and Mary; Investigating Supervisee Negative Affectivity, Mindfulness, and Self-transcendence within the Counseling Supervisory Relationship
- Nancy Thacker, University of Tennessee
Marginalized Counselor Educators' Experiences Negotiating Personal Identify during Professional Identity Development
Emerging Leaders: We welcomed 18 Emerging Leaders into the expanded 2-year EL program. View the list of our 2018-2020 Emerging Leaders and the revised program overview.
SACES Journal: We also announced the call for manuscripts for our new journal, Teaching and Supervision in Counseling.
SACES 2020: Finally, we announced that the SACES 2020 conference will take place in Baltimore, Maryland (the northern most state in the SACES region), dates to follow in the coming weeks.
Natoya Haskins, PhD
SACES President