We are looking for submissions for consideration in our Spring issue of the SACES Newsletter. This issue will focus primarily on Scholarship and Advocacy. We welcome topics related to the encouragement, support, and recognition of a diverse range of scholarship and research/topics related to advocating for the profession and inspiring a commitment to social justice. These topics can apply to practitioners, supervisors, and counselor educators.
Submissions need to be between 500 and 800 words and sent electronically as a Word document to
sacesnewsletter@gmail.com. Please include the author name(s), credentials, affiliation(s), and photo(s) in .jpg, .tif or .gif format.
Students are encouraged to contribute with the support of a faculty member. For questions or more information, please contact the editors at sacesnewsletter@gmail.com. You can also check out previous newsletter issues available from the SACES website.
Contributions are needed by February 25, 2018.
All the best,
Brandee Appling and Andrea Jenkins
Co-Editors SACES Newsletter